We are proud that Anastasios Virvilios, Partner and Head of our firm’s Administrative, Public Procurement/PPP team was the main speaker at the four-hour training seminar that was held on Monday, 10 April 2023, at Nomiki Bibliothiki on “Tenders of the Recovery and Resilience Facility (HRADF) – Main tender issues and ways to address them.”
Our Associates Evangelia Sgountzou and Eirini Tsalapati, members of the Administrative law team, provided valuable assistance in legal research and the collection of scientific material.

The training seminar received a significant response from lawyers as well as representatives of economic operators and contracting authorities that are involved in public tenders.
Anastasios focused, among other things, on the analysis of the specificities that characterize the tenders of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the practical problems that arise in public tenders and the ways in which they can be addressed and prevented. He also drew attention to key-points during the preparation of public tender documents and the submission of tenders, while he also brought to the attention of the participants emblematic decisions of the administrative courts (case law) that interpret the applicable legislation and rule on crucial legal and practical issues that have arisen.